Our products go through several manufacturing processes. Each employee ensures compliance with our quality standards in their area.
A final quality control is carried out before shipping. If the product meets the standard, it receives the “Arnstadt Kristall” brand logo.
It's a shame you're here...
It can always happen that a product was damaged during shipping or you are not satisfied with the quality you received. At this point we would like to inform you about the next steps in order to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.
Next Steps:1. Please fill out the complaint form below
2. Submit the form
3. We will contact you shortly by email
It's a shame you're here...
It can always happen that a product was damaged during shipping or you are not satisfied with the quality you received. At this point we would like to inform you about the next steps in order to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.
Next Steps:
2. Submit the form
3. We will contact you shortly by email
IMPORTANT: You do not need to send another email or contact us by phone, otherwise the process will be processed multiple times.
Defektes Produkt melden